April 6, 2014

book reviews

Okay, let me just start by saying I tend to get very emotionally invested in the books I love. Very. And if I love a book I own it. And it gets read. Repeatedly. Dog-eared. Stuffed in the bottom of bags. Spine creased. You. Get. It. And I will tell anyone about these books. Sing their praises.

But here's the thing. This is not every book I read, and it takes a lot for a book to reach this status. There are a lot of books that I like a lot. Books that I'd reread if the mood hits me, books that I'll recommend to others if I think it is up their reading alley. Books that make me look up an author's other works. But these aren't necessarily the books I love. For me to love a book is has to have all of the right elements working together; well rounded characters, believable plot lines with few to no holes, witty or realistic dialogue, and the ability to tug at my heartstrings or do some deep thinking. There are many books that have many of these characteristics, but not all. They might be lacking that one last little oomph to send the book from like to love. It doesn't mean they aren't great books worth reading. It just means that I don't LOVE it.

So, I tend to take book reviews, especially the online, reader submitted variety, with a grain of salt. I am usually very skeptical when I see five star reviews with titles like "THE BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ!!1!11!!" And, I'll admit, it sometimes makes me wonder what else this person has read to push this particular book to the status of best ever. And when a single book has only five star reviews? Okay, that just makes me a little suspicious as to how many friends the author has trolling the internet leaving these reviews. I know this makes me sound cynical, but I just don't think there are that many five star books out there, and I have an incredibly hard time believing that every single person that read a certain book gave it five stars.

I realize that there are usually two schools of reviewers in general, those that loved a book and want to recommend it to the world, and those that hated it and want to make sure no one else ever wastes their time on it. This helps to explain the lack of middle ground reviews. I mean, if I'm basically indifferent to something, not just books but anything, I generally won't go out of my way to tell anyone else about it, good or bad. There's just not enough time in the day, right?

I guess my point is a.) there are very few books I'd give a five star review to, and just because a book does not get a five star review from me does not mean that I did not enjoy it, and b.) I feel like we need more honest reviewers out there, people who are willing to leave the less than gushing reviews.

And that's my rant for the day.

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