
I hesitated about writing up an about page. First off ... I never know what to write about myself. Second off ... the idea of keeping this anonymous is so, so tempting. Just consider this page a constant work in progress, as am I.

So, here's what you get. I'm a 30(ish) reader, writer, crafter, mother. Some days my writing soundtrack consists of a curious mix of Kings of Leon, Justin Timberlake, Fall Out Boy, and Boston. Other days it is PBS Kids. I read just about anything I can get my hands on, which is kind of a requirement of a.) someone who wants to write for a living, and b.) a member on the local library board.

I sometimes make things with yarn. Like an old lady. To balance that out, I sometimes read dirty books while waiting for my kids' bus in the afternoons.

I have a soft spot for Supernatural gifs. Ply me with them and I might just be your slave. (Like, the laziest slave ever, but y'know.)

*Disclaimer: I use naughty words. I'm an adult and sometimes write about adult things. And any reviews I decide to share on here are my own thoughts and opinions, and I have not been compensated in anyway (unless otherwise noted).